Monday 1 August 2011

Post Modernism , Ai Wei Wei and Banksy

Han Dynasty Urn with CocaCola ,Ai Wei Wei (1994)

Flower Riot ,Banksy

Postmodernism defined by Art Historian Christopher Witcombe as an attack on the bourgeois ideal of modernist art, “A sort of nihilistic neo-dada” is a particularly volatile concept/art movement/cultural theory to pin down (Witcombe, 2000). The bullet point below attempt to give an overview of key features of such a phenomena.

·      The etymology of the term post modern bears reference to the Latin term for “after” and the “modern” period. “In philosophy the modern period was started by Descartes (1596-1650) who believed in exact science and objective knowledge. Descartes was rationalist-he believed in reason, and he thought that human reason can grasp truths independent of time or place.”(Saugstad, 2001)

·      Postmodernism is often viewed as a stoic rejection of modernism, “ that is to say, a rejection of the doctrine of the supremacy of reason, the notion of truth, the belief in the perfectibility of man and the belief that we could create a better, if not perfect society. This view has been termed deconstructive postmodernism” (Witcombe, 2000)

·      An alternative view to the point above suggests that postmodernism may also be considered as constructive, seeking to revise the ideals of modernism rather than merely opposing them. “Constructive postmodernism . . . seeks to revise its (modernism’s) premises and traditional concepts. Like deconstructive postmodernism, it attempts to erase all boundaries,
 to undermine legitimacy and to dislodge the logic of the modernist state. Constructive postmodernism claims to offer a new unity of scientific, ethical, aesthetic and religious intuitions. It rejects not science as such, but only that scientific approach in which only the data of modern natural sciences are allowed to contribute to the construction of our worldview.”(Witcombe, 2000)

·      Postmodernism is concerned with intuition and the facets of human experience, which it considers, have been reduced due to modernist thinking. “ Constructive postmodernism seeks to recover truths and values from various forms of pre-modern thought and practice. Constructive postmodernism wants to replace modernism and modernity, which it sees as threatening the very survival of the planet.” (Witcombe, 2000)

·      Postmodernism is concerned with relativism and accepts the idea that truth is relative, denying the existence of absolutes. “In essence, it stems from a recognition that reality is not simply mirrored in human understanding of it, but rather, is constructed as the mind tries to understand its own particular and personal reality.” (“Postmodernism”, 2011)

·      Postmodernism is paradoxical by definition. In venerating relativism it establishes the concept that even the very beliefs postmodernism is founded on are open to questioning. Such a realisation inspires a dystopia attitude of cynicism. As eloquently stated by philosopher Richard Tarnas postmodernism “"cannot on its own principles ultimately justify itself any more than can the various metaphysical overviews against which the postmodern mind has defined itself." (“Postmodernism”, 2011)

·      Postmodernism accepts ambiguity. The concept of ambiguity is inherent in post-modern ideals and as a result postmodernism will always avoid an absolute sense of definition. “The post-modern is deliberately elusive as a concept, avoiding as much as possible the modernist desire to classify and there by delimit, bound and confine.” (Witcombe, 2000)

·      Postmodernism does not propose the existence of a grand narrative. Postmodernism promotes pluralist thinking and enjoys complexity.” In post-modern society is more fragmented. Belief in one truth or universal criteria has been substituted by a number of “small stories”, and a diversity of criteria.”(Saugstad, 2001)

Cop Snorting ,Banksy
In terms of influencing the art world the ideals of postmodernism translate into the existence of art that stems from the historic rejection of the past coupled with a deep feeling of cynicism towards the future. Post-modern artists are not convinced as the surrealists were that great art can save the world and hence post-modern art is in general far less concerned with optimism than that of the modernist era. To quote Whitcombe: “Having rejected the past many years ago, and now with the future no longer being the goal of artistic effort, many artists turned with visible distress to the present and focussed their attention on contemporary popular culture.” (Whitcombe, 2000)

Two post-modern artists, both of whom are prolific in the media, display the ideals of post-modern art rather poetically, British artist Banksy and Chinese artist Ai Wei Wei.

Though hailing form different parts of the globe Ai Wei Wei and Banksy both produce politically infused art, which is hard to ignore.
To examine these artists further let us assess the following works; Ai Wei Wei’s 'Han Dynasty Urn with Coca-Cola logo’ (1994) and Banksy ‘s Flower Riot and Los Angeles (2008), against the defining criteria of postmodern art:

In terms of displaying social and cultural pluralism, disunity and a sense of the existence of an unclear basis for social unity both works make valid points. Ai Wei Wei’s urn provides poignant comment on the changing role and questioning of tradition/religion and state control in China, post industrialisation. While Banksy’s works highlights the deconstructed nature of meanings / symbols in post-modern society and the trivial / stereotypical perception of values in current society. His innately political almost propaganda like imagery challenges viewer perception and venerates the idea of social rebellion. He is in essence by depicting a typically disruptive figure, the rioting youth, as a conveyor of peace challenging common notions of right and wrong.

The attention to the play of surfaces and imagery without concern for depth of meaning is another key feature of these works: Ai Wei Wei in brandishing a treasured artefact with a coca cola logo amplifies the often false idealism of tradition and hints that the commercial revolution is in fact motivated by similar provocations as traditional social constructs.  This defining feature of post-modern art is Banksy’s forte in an ironic sense he literally plays with surfaces in his choice of substrate for the graffiti medium. Conceptually his work is all over this point, Banksy is a gifted manipulator of social imagery and its according visual language. He turns perceptions on their head, inviting the viewer in with a comfortable dialogue only to turn this sense of security on it’s head, poking fun at the victims of such thought. The irreverent and subliminal nature of Banksy’s works brilliantly references the nature of visual media in post modernity and highlights the post modern rejection of modernist control. The work Los Angeles 2008 is a prime example of this; an evolutionary stage drawing of man coupled with the motif of a fast food meal juxtaposes and challenges a cornucopia of common social paradigms. Namely evolution and the postmodern sense of social mediocrity.

Finally another key facet of post-modern art, which is prolific in the above works, is the deconstruction of the dominance of high culture over pop culture. Hybrid cultural forms are the love child of post modernity. These works definitely fit the bill:
Ai Wei Wei in  “defacing” a high art object with a commercial slogan immediately validates pop/commercial culture as equally as influential as traditional hierarchical constructs. Exposing a dialogue on the motivations of tradition and essentially introducing commercialisation and material culture at the post-modern interpretation of traditional values.  Banksy on the other hand, is more obvious in his approach to this facet of postmoderninty: What you see is what you get in a very literal sense with banksy’s works, his use of a typically low art /vandalistic medium in highly refined technical practice, highlights the hybridity of culture present today. This also pays homage to the power of graffiti and street art to gain a substantial audience both within and outside of the high art gallery setting. It is this universality in appeal and demonstration of visual power, which give banksy his infamous reputation.

Like all post-modern artefacts the works discussed here reference an abundance of concepts, which one could discuss for an eternal period. However even from this brief discussion tit is plain to see that the works contemplated are rife with the ideology of post modernity and all its associated glory. Both Banksy and Ai Wei Wei are masters of creating the meme’s of the art world.

Dropping Han Dynasty Urn,Ai Wei Wei 

Witcombe, C. (2000) Modernism and Post Modernism

Saugstad, A. (2001). Postmodernism: What is it and what is wrong with it?”

“Postmodernism” (2011)



  1. I like the quotes you used to describe post modernism and how descriptive they are. I think post modernism is an interesting development in art to contemplate. I think the inclusion of popular culture into art focusing on the now rather than what is to come and what has been is highly interesting in art and makes artworks like stories into what is going on at the time they are created. I think both artists – Ai Weiwei and Banksy question the values that current society held at the time they created their works. Through their works they both challenge our ideas of right and wrong not only in a moral sense but also as you said in a depicted sense of what is and what is not usually seen. Banksy does this many times in his works e.g. all of his ones portraying police officers. I like Banksy’s use of graffiti in the vandalistic medium, as it is the social norm of our times to see such things but generally not in an artistic sense in which he creates his works. I think Ai Weiwei is amazing for challenge his countries beliefs and values and I like how his works show the influence consumerism and American pop culture has had on China and traditional/historical Chinese culture.

  2. I like the way you laid out your points to define postmodernism and the quotes you used. I found it interesting to learn about constructive and deconstructive postmodernism as I knew nothing about postmodernism before the ALVC classes and researching it for the blog. You managed to include and explain both constructive and deconstructive postmodernism which I think is very important in defining postmodernism. I also like the way in which you added Witcombe’s quote to define the postmodern artist in your blog and also the way in which you tied in Ai Weiwei and Banksy in your blog as well. The statement you used “...Ai Weiwei and Banksy both produce politically infused art, which is hard to ignore,” I think describes and sums up their art perfectly.
